Tech DealsHoliday buying is, well, overwhelming. In 1980, 4 out of 5 staff got medical health insurance via their jobs. Now, just over half of them do. Millennials can keep on our parents’ plans till we turn 26. But the cohort right afterward, 26- to 34-year-olds, has the best uninsured fee in the nation and millennials—alarmingly—have more collective medical debt than the boomers. Even Obamacare, one of many few expansions of the safety web since man walked on the moon, nonetheless leaves us out in the open. Millennials who can afford to purchase plans on the exchanges face premiums (subsequent year mine will be $388 a month), deductibles ($850) and out-of-pocket limits ($5,000) that, for a lot of younger individuals, are too excessive to absorb with out help. And of the occasions that precipitate the spiral into poverty, in accordance with Krishna, an harm or illness is the most common trigger.…

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